No Longer Receiving Emails from Google for Comment Moderation

Have you visited your Blogger Dashboard for the first time in maybe a week and seen Comments awaiting moderation that are several days old? Were you surprised because you never got the emails that Google is supposed to send you for comment moderation?

This happened to me a month ago. I only use Gmail for comment moderation emails and, as such, had never changed a thing on my Gmail account. Yet all of a sudden I'm not receiving email notifications from Google anymore.

Then one day I launched "Full Gmail" for some reason. (I just look at Gmail from my iGoogle window.) To my surprise, I discovered all the missing emails from Google in my Spam folder! Weird. (And why would Gmail think emails from Google are spam?)

There is a fix and it's a simple one. Just add the following email address to your Contacts or Address Book for your email account:

No more missing emails from Google regarding comment moderation for your Blogger blog.

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  1. Greetings. I have same problem. I will try solution. I believe it will work also for me. Thank you.

  2. It seems to work some weeks and not other weeks. Google is getting weird.
