For bloggers who do not have access to software like Adobe Photoshop that provides the nexadecimal color code for any color, he or she is restricted to the web-safe color palette found in books or on the Internet. Unfortunately, the palette does not have any extremely light colors suitable for backgrounds.
The chart below shows the very lightest colors and their 6-digit code. Of course, the color white is #FFFFFF. Insert the 6-digit code anywhere in the HTML. Also, listed below is a CSS class for each color to be used as a background. You can copy and paste these classes into your Layout's HTML where the other classes are. (For example, .header
or .post).
To specify the background color of a particular post using the CSS classes, the first line of your post must be <div class="beige"> …and the last line in the post </div> - and then your post will have a background color.
If you don't plan on using the CSS classes from our other posts, feel free to name these classes anything you wish. Whatever name you choose (.name) - that is what you specify in the SPAN.
.beige {background-color:#FFFFF9;}
.light-pea {background-color:#FCFEF7;}
.light-pink {background-color:#FFF8F9;}
.light-mint {background-color:#F8FFFA;}
.light-violet {background-color:#FEF9FF;}
.light-royal {background-color:#F9F9FF;}
.light-teal {background-color:#F9FFFF;}
.light-orange {background-color:#FFFDFA;}
.light-blue {background-color:#F9FCFF;}
.light-green {background-color:#FCFFFA;}
ReplyDeleteThis is what exactly i have been looking for years...
Thank you....